Boston (Il)legal: From the Don't Try This At Home Series



  • Presentation Date 4/17/2025
  • Class Time 12:00 PM CT
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format Webcast
  • Program Code 147429
  • Ethics Credits: 1.00 hr(s)

Price: $50.00



Boston (Il)legal: From the Don't Try This At Home Series

In this program, the presenter will use short (30-60 second) video clips from the show to discuss precise rules violated and what the TV lawyer should have done to avoid the ethical violation. And while these examples will provide for a more engaging experience for the lawyer attendee, they will also serve as a reminder that our clients have viewed these same programs, giving them an unrealistic view of the role of an attorney and the tactics available to that attorney in the furtherance of the client’s cause.

Finally, lawyers will be reminded to manage client expectations by having candid conversations detailing just what the lawyer can (and more importantly, cannot) do during the course of the representation.



Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.




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