
2024 Americans with Disabilities Act Update

  • Instructor(s):  Jeanne Goldberg

2024 Americans with Disabilities Act Update This program will provide you with a comprehensive update of important developments related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The program will cover case law, administrative, and practical developments related to reasonable accommodation of disabilities in the workplace.  The panel will also discuss developments related to permissible job qualification standards, determining essential job functions, and judging the workplace performance of employees subject to the ADA. This program will provide you with a wide-ranging and practical review of important ADA developments.           Review of recent case law and regulatory developments         Developments in job qualification standards         Reasonable accommodation trends, including EEOC’s guidance         Developments related to reassignment to another job category         Trends in the interactive process    Speakers: Jeanne Goldberg is a Senior Attorney Advisor in the Office of Legal Counsel at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission headquarters in Washington, D.C. She advises the Commission on the interpretation of Americans with Disabilities Act and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, among other federal statutes.  Prior to joining the EEOC, Ms. Goldberg was in private law practice specializing in civil rights litigation and argued EEO cases before the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Fourth and D.C. Circuits.  She has also served as an adjunct law professor at the College and Mary.  Ms. Goldberg earned her B.A. from Northwestern University and her J.D. from George Washington University.        Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 60
  • 3/14/26
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