The Art of Advocacy
The attorney is called upon to assume the tasks of writer, director and actor, but is usually only trained in the rules and procedures of the law. The Art of Advocacy: What Can Lawyers Learn From Actors? teaches lawyers how to translate ideas, opinions, research and facts of a trial or other professional presentation into live three-dimensional events. The program demonstrates how to employ the full spectrum of verbal and non-verbal communication skills of the performing artist to connect with jurors, clients and judges to win more cases, create better settlements and generally communicate much more effectively.
Attorneys and actors share a common mission … to create a riveting drama that demands the listener’s attention and directs the listener’s point of view to convince him or her of the story’s desired outcome! Persuasion is the point of every word the actor and the lawyer speaks. A performance comes alive when the actor or lawyer connects deeply with an audience through a masterful command of evocative language, human emotion and skillful pacing … resulting in an ovation for the actor … a decisive WIN for the attorney. Presented in three sessions – webcast attendees view a filmed workshop that offers concrete solutions to courtroom “performance” and presentation challenges.
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