Enough is Enough: Avoiding Vexatious Lawyering



  • Presentation Date 9/12/2024
  • Class Time 12:00 PM CT
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format Webcast
  • Program Code 110544-108020
  • Ethics Credits: 1.00 hr(s)

Price: $50.00



Enough is Enough: Avoiding Vexatious Lawyering

While lawyers are expected to provide their clients with zealous representation, we are not allowed to become outright zealots in pursuit of our client's objectives. Yet, time and again, this is precisely what happens as lawyers become fixated on winning at all costs. And as a result, they end up paying the ultimate price -- the loss of their license to practice law.

In this sobering but surprisingly funny presentation, legal humorist Sean Carter will distinguish permissible zealous legal practices from unethical legal zealotry. Moreover, he will provide helpful tips to overcome the temptation (and sometime, client expectation) to play "hardball" and to avoid those situations that are most likely to cause lawyers to cross ethical lines. In particular, we will discuss:

  • Frivolous lawsuits
  • Prosecutorial misconduct
  • Threats
  • Retaliatory actions
  • Desperate tactics
  • Excess stubbornness




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