
2023 Solo and Small Conference - Cyber Security Awareness Training

  • Instructor(s):  Susan Wilson

Presented at 2023 OBA Sola and Small Firm Conference  Cyber Security Awareness Training   Designed for legal professionals, this program equips you with essential knowledge to safeguard sensitive client information. Learn from Susan Wilson as she guides you through threat assessment, data protection, incident response, and best practices for securing your firm's digital assets. Don't compromise on the security of your practice—enroll in our program today!   Presented by: SUSAN WILSON Go Security Pro LLC  Susan Wilson is the Co-Founder and President of Go Security Pro, a cybersecurity firm focusing on Risk Assessments, Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Management, and Cybersecurity Advisory Services. Our clients include government agencies, higher education, critical infrastructure including power generation, power distribution, and health care. Proudly, much of our work in health care goes in front of the Office of Civil Rights in HIPAA breach actions. Susan has a Juris Doctorate from The George Washington University Law School and is admitted to practice in Oklahoma and Maryland. She spent 5 years helping build the legal profession for the University of Oklahoma College of Law as the Director of Admissions. Susan brings a unique blend of law and cybersecurity to our consulting practice that strengthens our business relationships, informs every customer engagement, and ensures our deliverables are audit ready.   Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 46
  • 6/23/25
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2023 Solo and Small Conference - Document Automation to Build an Unbundled Legal Product

  • Instructor(s):  Kenton Brice

Presented at 2023 OBA Solo and Small Firm Conference  Document Automation to Build an Unbundled Legal Product   Unlock the potential of document automation as Kenton Brice guides you through the latest techniques and technologies. Learn how to seamlessly integrate data with your legal expertise, saving valuable time and resources. This program empowers legal professionals to create legal documents such as contracts, agreements, and pleadings with ease. Enroll today and revolutionize your document creation process to maximize productivity and efficiency!   Presented by:  KENTON BRICE  Director of the Law Library at the University of Oklahoma College of Law  Kenton Brice is the Director of the Law Library at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. Prior to joining the College of Law, Kenton practiced as an associate attorney with the firm, Christman Kelley & Clarke, PC, where he gained extensive experience in the trial and appellate courtrooms and the boardroom, handling various litigation and transaction matters for the firm. During his short practice, Kenton earned honors as the Texas Appellate Lawyer of the Week by Texas Lawyer magazine for successfully appealing a case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit as well as becoming a member of the Texas Bar Association's Pro Bono College for serving on the board of directors and executive committee for the nonprofit, Serve Denton. In addition to his legal work, Kenton administered all the firm's technology to enhance the firm's efficiency in all aspects of professional and legal work. Brice graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Law in 2009. Kenton is a member of the American Association of Law Libraries, the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries, and the Texas Bar Association.   Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 52
  • 6/23/25
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2023 Solo and Small Conference - Ethical Considerations of Using Cash Apps

  • Instructor(s):  Julie Bays and Richard Stevens

Presented at 2023 OBA Solo and Small Firm Conference  Ethical Considerations of Using Cash Apps    “Can I just Venmo you the retainer?” If a potential client hasn’t asked you that question yet, just wait. So many people never write a check today. But many use Cash apps instead of credit cards. Is it appropriate and ethical to accept fee payment by cash app? Is there a difference when it is a retainer versus a payment on a bill for services? Can you ethically attach a payment app to your trust account to facilitate receiving retainers?   Presented by: JULIE BAYS Practice Management Advisor, Oklahoma Bar Association  Ms. Bays joined the Oklahoma Attorney General's Office in April of 2002 where was responsible for prosecuting antitrust and consumer protection cases. Ms. Bays served on various task forces and committees including the Oklahoma Bar Association Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee, the Federal Trade Commission Southwest Netforce, and the National Attorneys General Association Antitrust Policy Task Force. She taught various Continuing Legal Education classes for the State of Oklahoma including Electronic Discovery and Ethics, The Zen of E-Discovery, and The Risks of Identity Theft and Consumer Fraud. Ms. Bays also traveled the state educating consumers regarding identity theft and other types of consumer and internet fraud. In January 2013, she was appointed Chief, Assistant Attorney General of the Consumer Protection Unit. In November of 2018, Ms. Bays joined the Oklahoma Bar Association as their Practice Management Advisor.  She works with the OBA Management Assistance Program to provide assistance to attorneys in using technology and other tools to efficiently manage their offices. Bays is also involved with the Access to Justice initiatives of the OBA such as Oklahoma Free Legal Answers. She is on the Planning Board for the American Bar Association’s TechShow 2024.   RICHARD STEVENS Ethics Counsel, Oklahoma Bar Association Norman attorney Richard Stevens serves as OBA ethics counsel. Most recently he was a solo practitioner following his retirement from the District 21 District Attorney’s Office in 2016 after 33 years as a prosecutor. He received both his B.A. (1978) and J.D. (1982) from OU. He is a member of the OBA Criminal Law Section and the Rules of Professional Conduct Committee. Mr. Stevens has served on the Professional Responsibility Commission (2017-2019), as an at-large governor (2013-2015) and vice president (2016) on the OBA Board of Governors. He is an active member of the Cleveland County Bar Association, having served on its Executive Committee from 2010-2012. He has been active with both the OBA and the Cleveland County Disaster Response and Relief committees and the OBA Lawyers for America’s Heroes Program.   Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
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  • 6/24/25
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2023 Solo and Small Conference - Law Firm Efficiency Overhaul: Optimize Your Technology for Maximum Performance

  • Instructor(s):  Trevor Riddle

Presented at 2023 OBA Solo and Small Firm Conference Law Firm Efficiency Overhaul: Optimize Your Technology for Maximum Performance   There are many tools available today to automate and optimize your law practice. Tulsa attorney Trevor Riddle, who gave two presentations at ABA TECHSHOW 2023, will be teaching us about the technology he uses in his estate planning law practice. If you think automation tools are only for large firm lawyers, Riddle wants to introduce you to the tools he uses.   Presented by:  TREVOR RIDDLE Trevor Riddle is the founder of Riddle Law, PLLC, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The firm helps clients prepare for every stage of life through a full menu of estate and business planning services. The owner of a small firm and former shareholder in another, Trevor is well acquainted with the issues and obstacles faced by solo and small firm attorneys. He has devoted significant time to finding technology-based solutions to these unique challenges. Through technology, Trevor has found opportunities to reduce law firm expenses and increase revenue while delivering outstanding client service. Trevor is licensed in Oklahoma and Kansas. He conducts regular research on legal technology issues and has written and presented on numerous legal technology topics. He is an active member of the Oklahoma and Kansas bar associations, the Tulsa County Bar Association, and the ABA’s Law Practice Division and Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division. Since 2018, his peers have selected him as one of the Best Lawyers in America. In 2022 and 2023, Best Lawyers in America recognized him as a Lawyer of the Year.  Trevor is an avid outdoors person. He volunteers for several conservation groups and can often be found in the field with his Pudelpointer, Loretta.     Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 55
  • 6/23/25
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2024 Who’s Hacking Lawyers, and Why?

  • Instructor(s):  Lenné Espenschied

2024 Who’s Hacking Lawyers, and Why? As FBI Chief Christopher Wray recently reported to Congress, cyber attacks are on the rise, and Checkpoint Research reports that 1 out of every 40 attacks is against law firms and law departments. Unfortunately, lawyers are prime targets for hackers due to the nature of privileged client information we receive. In this updated 2024 version of our very popular program, you'll learn about 7 recent hacking attacks involving excellent national law firms and courts, who is hacking lawyers, how they’re gaining access to massive troves of information, which lawyers make the most likely targets, and how to protect against hacks.   SPEAKER:  Lenné Espenschied Lawyer, Author, National Speaker and Professor Lenné Eidson Espenschied has earned her status as one of the two most popular contract drafting speakers in the U.S. by continually striving for excellence and providing innovative, practical skills-based training for transactional lawyers. She practiced law in Atlanta, Georgia for 25 years, focusing on corporate and transactional representation of technology-based businesses. She is the author of two books published by the American Bar Association: Contract Drafting: Powerful Prose in Transactional Practice (ABA Fundamentals, 3rd Ed. 2019) and The Grammar and Writing Handbook for Lawyers (ABA Fundamentals, 2011). After graduating from the University of Georgia School of Law magna cum laude, Ms. Espenschied began her legal practice at the firm now known as Eversheds Sutherland; she also served as Senior Counsel in the legal department of Bank of America before eventually opening her own law office. As a law professor, Ms. Espenschied taught commercial law, contracts, and contract drafting. Her passion is helping lawyers acquire the skills they need to be successful in transactional practice.       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • On-Demand
  • 60
  • 12/31/25
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2025 AI Year in Review: Everything You Should Know When Advising Clients

  • Instructor(s):  Sean Belding

2025 AI Year in Review: Everything You Should Know When Advising Clients This program provides a comprehensive overview of the most significant legal developments in artificial intelligence throughout 2025. Participants will explore key cases, new legislation, and evolving regulations that impact how attorneys advise clients on AI-related issues. The program will address topics such as intellectual property, data privacy, and  liability concerns related to AI. By the end of the session, attorneys will have the knowledge they need to navigate the rapidly changing AI legal landscape and effectively counsel their clients. Key legal developments in AI from 2025, including landmark cases and legislative updates. Guidance on advising clients regarding AI-related intellectual property, data privacy, and liability concerns. Ethical considerations for attorneys working with clients utilizing AI technologies. Insights into emerging AI regulations and their implications for businesses and legal practice.   Speaker: Sean Belding is an associate with Perkins Coie in Denver Colorado.  Sean has experience drafting asset purchase and sale agreements, intellectual property licenses, service agreements, and distribution and reseller agreements. Sean also has experience drafting information security agreements, terms of use, and privacy policies, and advising clients regarding data privacy and security matters. He has also drafted complex settlement agreements, advised clients on best practices for intellectual property protection and management, and developed patent and commercial litigation strategies, including noninfringement positions, invalidity arguments, and motion practice.       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • On-Demand
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  • 1/24/27
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2025 Legislative Kickoff

  • Instructor(s):  Legislative Monitoring Committee

2025 Legislative Kickoff   AGENDA   - Welcome from President/Introduction LMC Chair - Legislative Basics - Clay Taylor - 90 Bills in 90 Minutes  Bills Covered: Government | James Rucker - Deptuy General Counsel at Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Estate Law | Terrell Monks - Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC Family Law | Kensey Wright - Doerner, Sanders, Daniel & Anderson Civil Litigation | Teena Gunter - General Counsel at Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Criminal Law | Mark E. Bright - Mark Bright Law Technology | Anthony Hendricks - Crowe & Dunlevy Courts| Judge Thad Balkman - Cleveland County District Court Energy & Environment | Kaylee Davis-Maddy - Doerner, Sanders, Daniel & Anderson Education | Hayley Jones - Associate General Counsel, Oklahoma City Public Schools   - Legislative Panel      Moderators: Brett Robinson & Clay Taylor      Panelists: Rep. Collin Duel                     Rep. Erick Harris       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • On-Demand
  • 180
  • 12/31/25
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A.I. in Healthcare: Revolutionary or Risky?

  • Instructor(s):  OBA Health Law Section

A.I. in Healthcare: Revolutionary or Risky?   At the conclusion of this program, participants should be able to: •          Describe the drivers and barriers to using artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. •          Understand the current role of AI in healthcare and potential future roles. •          Describe potential risks to patients and providers related to AI. •          Understand the legal and ethical concerns related to AI in medical care. •          Develop prevention strategies designed to decrease risks associated with the use of AI in healthcare.   Speaker: Graham Billingham, MD, FACEP, FAAEM is the Chief Medical Officer for Princeton Insurance Company and its parent organization, MedPro Group. He is responsible for providing leadership and support in the areas of clinical risk, claims, underwriting and sales efforts, and for leading the organizations' Healthcare Advisory Boards. Learn more about Dr. Billingham at this link.   Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
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  • 3/30/25
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Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Promise or Peril? - 2023 OBA Annual Meeting

  • Instructor(s):  Julie A. Bays and Jim Calloway

Presented at the 2023 Oklahoma Bar Association Annual Meeting.                   Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 51
  • 11/12/25
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Cellphone Forensics: Applications in Discovery & Investigations

  • Instructor(s):  Patrick Siewart, ArcherHall

Cellphone Forensics: Applications in Discovery & Investigations Cellphones represent one of the fastest-changing areas of legal practice. Mobile device evidence is more important than ever, thanks to the rapid evolution of the technology and the way this evidence is treated by the courts. Touching on important recent cases, technology developments, and ArcherHall direct experience advising attorneys, this presentation provides up-to-date guidance on the application of cellphone forensics in litigation, investigations, and other legal matters. This activity is approved by the OBA for 1 hour of General credit.   SPEAKER:  Patrick Siewart, Director of Digital Forensics & E-Discovery, ArcherHall Patrick Siewert is Director of Digital Forensics & E-Discovery for ArcherHall, based in Richmond, Virginia. Patrick has 15 years of law enforcement experience highlighted by high-profile and precedent-setting case work investigating electronically-facilitated crime. He founded Pro Digital Forensic Consulting in 2013, which was acquired by ArcherHall in 2022. Patrick has completed multiple trainings and certificates in the practice areas of computer forensics, mobile device forensics and analysis of cellular historical location records and is well-versed in their value in civil and criminal litigation. He has also qualified as an Expert Witness in the aforementioned disciplines in multiple courts across the Country and is an Adjunct Professor of Digital Forensics at Virginia Commonwealth University. ArcherHall offers a full suite of digital forensic & E-discovery services for the litigation community nationwide.       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • Webcast
  • 60
  • 4/18/25

Courtroom Technology and the Visual Trial: The Rust Shooting

  • Instructor(s):  Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.

Courtroom Technology and the Visual Trial: The Rust Shooting Hannah Gutierrez Reed, the armorer of the film “Rust” was found guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter for the 2021 on-set fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Alec Baldwin fired the fatal bullet believing that the gun was a cold gun and did not contain live ammunition. At Ms. Reed’s trial the prosecutor relied on visual evidence, film, pictures, and visual enhancements to prove that Ms. Reed’s reckless conduct caused the death of Halyna Hutchins. Jurors crave visual evidence and studies indicate that the human brain quickly processes visual information and that we retain sixty percent of what we see and only ten to twenty percent of what we read and hear. In this presentation, attendees will watch film clips of this trial and learn evidentiary foundations to admit visual evidence and to successfully display this evidence to the jury. The goal of this presentation is for attendees to understand the benefits of using visual evidence and obtain technological skill to seamlessly present this evidence in court.   SPEAKER Philip Bogdanoff is a nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker on the topics of ethics, professionalism, and other related topics. Previously, as an attorney, he served as assistant prosecutor in the Summit County, Ohio Prosecutor’s Office for more than 25 years, beginning in 1981. Mr. Bogdanoff argued cases before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals and twenty cases before the Ohio Supreme Court including six death penalty cases - before retiring as a senior assistant prosecutor.  He is the author of numerous articles on ethics, professionalism and other related legal topics and has taught the members of numerous organizations including the National Association of Legal Administrators, as well as numerous state and local Bar associations, Prosecuting Attorney's Associations, and law firms. More information about Mr. Bogdanoff is available on his Web site at       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.  

  • Webcast
  • 60
  • 4/22/25

Ethics in the Age of AI: Navigating the Legal Landscape with ChatGPT

  • Instructor(s):  Cynthia Sharp, Becky Howlett

Ethics in the Age of AI: Navigating the Legal Landscape with ChatGPT In this essential CLE, lawyers Cynthia Sharp and Rebecca Howlett delve into the ethical complexities of using Gen AI tools like ChatGPT in legal practice. This course explores best practices for mitigating risks related to accuracy, over-reliance and confidentiality while navigating the evolving legal landscape. Participants will review the implications of ABA Formal Op. 512 - Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools (issued July 29, 2024), along with U.S. ethics decisions involving AI and bar association guidance. The program also covers ethical duties of competence, communication, and supervision, along with issues like AI in the judiciary, plagiarism, and unauthorized practice of law. Learning Objectives: Avoid Gen AI ethical pitfalls related to over-reliance, inaccuracy, and confidentiality. Review the implications of ABA Formal Op. 512 - Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools on maintaining ethical practice of law. Understand the impact of U.S. ethics decisions involving AI use on duties of competence (MRPC 1.1). Explore how AI affects duties of communication, confidentiality, and supervision (MRPC 1.4, 1.6, 5.1, 5.3). Examine emerging issues such as plagiarism, unauthorized practice of law, and the future role of AI in the legal profession.   AGENDA :00 - :15 Scrutiny of possible pitfalls of using ChatGPT including inaccuracy and overreliance. Tips on how to address these issues will be included. Introductory overview of ethical implications of AI use in the legal field  :16 - :30 Beware “halluCITATIONS” Survey & analysis of U.S. ethics opinions related to AI use Discussion of ABA Formal Op. 512 - Generative AI Tools Duty of competence (MRPC 1.1) :31 - :45 Duty of communication - transparency required (MRPC 1.4) How to comply with duty of confidentiality (MRPC 1.6) Compliance with duty to supervise lawyers and non-lawyers (MRPC 5.1 and 5.3) Overview of bar association Gen AI guidance  :46 - :60 Overview of bar association Gen AI guidance (cont.) AI trends in the judiciary Other relevant issues: unauthorized practice of law, plagiarism, copyright infringement and defamation The Future of AI in the legal setting -- Will AI replace lawyers?       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • Webcast
  • 60
  • 4/10/25

From Tribbles to Trials: Tacking Litigation Using A.I.

  • Instructor(s):  Sean Carter

From Tribbles to Trials: Tacking Litigation Using A.I. This engaging and practical workshop will guide you through real-world applications of A.I., from streamlining discovery processes to crafting persuasive arguments and enhancing case strategy. Using the iconic humor and insights you've come to expect, this session will demonstrate how to save time, increase efficiency, and achieve better outcomes for your clients - all while tackling the tribbles of modern legal practice. Whether you're a seasoned litigator or just beginning to explore the potential of AI, this session will provide the tools and inspiration to boldly litigate where no lawyer has gone before! Attendees will leave this half-day training workshop equipped with actionable techniques to integrate A.I. into their workflows, demystify complex technologies, and confidently harness the power of this cutting-edge technology to manage the ever-growing demands of litigation. Specifically, you will learn how to use A.I. to more effectively: Execute client intake and case evaluation Develop a discovery plan and draft discovery requests Thoroughly review documents at warp speed Conduct legal research Draft pleadings and momorandum Negotiate settlements And more   SPEAKER:  Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • Webcast
  • 180
  • 4/23/25

Fundamentals of Licensing Technology, Part 2

  • Instructor(s):  Matt McKinney

Fundamentals of Licensing Technology, Part 2 Licenses are complex agreements governing the use of software, technology and other inventions.  Most companies depend on technology it licenses to create operate and create value.  But these complex instruments are also traps for the unwary, blending how and when the licensed technology can be used, in what territory, and by whom.  Licenses also incorporate sprawling indemnity and damages provisions. Carefully drafted, negotiated or reviewed, licenses can be the fount of great value. But their complexity is also fraught with traps.  This program will provide you with an intermediate-level guide to drafting and reviewing the most important provisions of licenses, including scope of use, property ownership and adaptation, royalties, warranties and indemnity, and remedies. Day 1: Drafting and reviewing the most important provisions of client licenses Defining the scope of the license – usage, territory, time and updates Royalties – different structures and audits Warranties in licensing – implied and express Protecting the exchange of confidential information – employee issues and trade secrets   Day 2: Remedies on breach – financial liability and specific performance Indemnity – scope of obligation, exclusions, mechanics, remedies/triggers Limitation of liability – forms liability and failure of essential purpose Risk management – insurance, escrow, force majeure IP diligence – what to look for and red flags   Speaker: Matt McKinney is a partner in the Denver office of Koenig, Oelsner, Taylor, Schoenfeld & Gaddis P.C., where his practice focuses on structuring and negotiating complex commercial and technology transactions and representing companies in intellectual property and technology-related matters.  He is experienced with a wide range of contracts regarding the commercialization and protection of intellectual property including software, content, patent and trademark licenses, and software as a service (SaaS) agreements.           Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
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  • 4/11/26
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IT Sourcing Agreements: Reviewing and Drafting Cloud Agreements

  • Instructor(s):  Peter J. Kinsella

IT Sourcing Agreements: Reviewing and Drafting Cloud Agreements Virtually every organization outsources it information technology (IT) functions to third-party vendors.  Electronic files of every time – data and documents, video and audio – are stored on servers owned and maintained by third parties and located at off-site locations.  Telecom services are also commonly outsourced. The idea behind outsourcing these increasingly complex systems is that costs might be controlled and the difficulty of maintaining them becomes someone else’s task. But getting to that point lies beyond reviewing and negotiating highly complex IT outsource agreements involving performance and reliability, data security and privacy breaches, and warranty and indemnity.  This program will provide you with a practical guide to negotiating and drafting IT agreements with third-party vendors.          Performance standards for IT vendors, reliability, and Service Level Agreements          Essential warranty and indemnity provisions – and spotting red flags          Understanding how “The Cloud” works for contractual purposes          Important data security, privacy and related liability concerns          Drafting the underlying equipment lease and/or software license          Reviewing fee structures in IT outsourcing agreements   Speaker: Peter J. Kinsella is a partner in the Denver office of Perkins Coie, LLP, where he has an extensive technology law practice focusing on advising start-up, emerging and large companies on technology-related commercial and intellectual property transaction matters.  Prior to joining his firm, he worked for ten years in various legal capacities with Qwest Communications International, Inc. and Honeywell, Inc.  Mr. Kinsella has extensive experience structuring and negotiating data sharing agreements, complex procurement agreements, product distribution agreements, OEM agreements, marketing and advertising agreements, corporate sponsorship agreements, and various types of patent, trademark and copyright licenses.     Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 60
  • 9/19/25
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Service Level Agreements in Technology Contracting

  • Instructor(s):  Peter J. Kinsella

Service Level Agreements in Technology Contracting In a world where every client depends on IT functions – web site hosting, e-commerce, telecom, storing files remotely in the Cloud, or on locally leased servers, e-mail and much more – and when most of these functions are outsourced or provided by vendors, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are of paramount importance. SLAs set benchmarks for these services – what uptime is expected and for how long, what happens when something goes down, how is service measured and reported?  The operation of every business and every law firm rests on the answer to these questions. This program will provide you a practical guide to reviewing, drafting and negotiating SLAs for client IT functions.  Purpose of SLAs – ensuring clients get benefit of bargain, incentivizing providers Types of services – locally installed v. the Cloud Service availability – uptime, guarantees, exclusions Service performance – minimum v. expected service, resolution time v. resolution goals Special considerations when drafting for the Cloud Common failures, damages, and remedies   Speaker: Peter J. Kinsella is a partner in the Denver office of Perkins Coie, LLP, where he has an extensive technology law practice focusing on advising start-up, emerging and large companies on technology-related commercial and intellectual property transaction matters.  Prior to joining his firm, he worked for ten years in various legal capacities with Qwest Communications International, Inc. and Honeywell, Inc.  Mr. Kinsella has extensive experience structuring and negotiating data sharing agreements, complex procurement agreements, product distribution agreements, OEM agreements, marketing and advertising agreements, corporate sponsorship agreements, and various types of patent, trademark and copyright licenses.  Mr. Kinsella received his B.S. from North Dakota State University and his J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School.     Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials. 

  • On-Demand
  • 60
  • 3/1/26
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Settlements in Civil Litigation: Strategic Planning and Drafting

  • Instructor(s):  Steven B. Malech

Settlements in Civil Litigation: Strategic Planning and Drafting A settlement in litigation is only as good as the settlement agreement.  The case may have stopped short of trial or stopped in the middle of trial as the parties realized that settlement was the best course of action, but preserving the informal agreement to settle places immense pressure on getting the underlying agreement right – not only settling the present dispute but preserving the settlement as things change over time. Understanding the law governing these agreements and carefully drafting their essential provisions – mutual releases, scope, financial terms, non-disclosure, non-disparagement– are essential to preserving the value of the settlement. This program will provide you with a practical guide to the essential provisions, traps and opportunities of litigation settlement agreements. Framework of law governing settlement agreements Essential provisions of settlement agreements, including traps for the unwary Defining scope of settlement and mutual releases – either to prevent resumption of litigation or leave related litigation untouched Role of non-disclosure and non-disparagement provisions, violations and remedies. Enhancing the enforceability and decreasing the costs of settlement agreements Speaker: Steven B. Malech is partner in the New York City office of Wiggin and Dana, LLP, where he is chair of the firm’s probate litigation practice group.  He is represents beneficiaries, fiduciaries and creditors in disputes involving alleged violations of the Prudent Investor Act and its predecessors, alleged breaches of fiduciary duty, disputed accountings, and will contests. He represents clients in cutting edge probate litigation matters involving trusts and estates with assets in the hundreds of millions of dollars.       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • On-Demand
  • 60
  • 6/19/26
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The AI Edge: Enhancing Legal Practice with ChatGPT

  • Instructor(s):  Cynthia Sharp, Becky Howlett

The AI Edge: Enhancing Legal Practice with ChatGPT Join attorneys Cynthia Sharp and Rebecca Howlett in this practical and insightful CLE exploring how ChatGPT can transform legal practice. The course covers this Generative AI tool's capabilities, practical applications like document analysis and legal research, and how it can enhance attorney productivity. Learn how to mindfully use AI to streamline workflows and promote attorney well-being. Participants will experience a live, in-depth demonstration of ChatGPT in a legal setting, reviewing best practices, prompt engineering, and potential pitfalls such as misinformation and over-reliance.  Learning Objectives: Understand the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT in the legal setting. Learn practical, creative ways to streamline all areas of your law practice with Gen AI, including document review, marketing, and more. Identify best practices and strategies to mitigate risks like “hallucinations” and inaccurate information when using AI. Explore how leveraging AI can improve attorney well-being through enhanced workflow management and reduced workload.   AGENDA :00 - :15 Overview of ChatGPT and discussion of its capabilities and limitations  Various ways ChatGPT can be used in legal practice, including document analysis, contract review, and legal research Evolution of ChatGPT  :16 - :30 Leveraging ChatGPT in the Legal Field - Practical examples as to how ChatGPT can help attorneys streamline their work, save time, and reduce errors. Legal Specific AI Resources Explanation of prompt engineering & best prompts How mindfully leveraging technology such as ChatGPT can help promote attorney wellbeing 31 - :45  Live in-depth demonstration of ChatGPT use in legal setting :46 - :60 ChatGPT best practices Scrutiny of possible pitfalls of using ChatGPT including issues related to bias and accuracy.  Tips on how to address these issues will be included.       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • Webcast
  • 60
  • 4/8/25