Discipline or No Discipline: A CLE Game Show



  • Presentation Date 4/30/2025
  • Class Time 2:30 PM CT
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format Webcast
  • Program Code 140204
  • Ethics Credits: 1.00 hr(s)

Price: $50.00



Discipline or No Discipline: A CLE Game

In this interactive game modeled after the popular television game show, you will be presented with 30 briefcases. Each briefcase contains the details of an actual disciplinary case that was filed against a U.S. lawyer. When you select a case, you will hear the facts of the case and then, as counsel for the respondent, you will be offered a "deal" (e.g., a reprimand, 1-year suspension, etc.). You will then be asked to accept the proposed discipline or to reject it, in hopes that the actual sanction imposed was less severe than the proposed sanction. If you choose correctly (accepting a good deal or rejecting a bad deal), you will be awarded the points contained in that briefcase.

In this interactive game modeled after the popular television game show, lawyers from across the country will compete by attempting to correctly advise real-life lawyers who have run afoul of the ethical canon as it relates to:

  • Civility
  • Client communication
  • Competence
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Fees
  • Legal marketing
  • Trust accounting
  • And much more




Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.