You're a Lawyer Not a Fighter: The Ethical Imperative to Remain Peaceful at All Times



  • Presentation Date 8/7/2024
  • Class Time 12:00 PM CT
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format Webcast
  • Program Code 127369-107445
  • Ethics Credits: 1.00 hr(s)

Price: $50.00



You're a Lawyer Not a Fighter: The Ethical Imperative to Remain Peaceful at All Times

Lawyers serve a vital role in society -- to help others resolve their disputes peacefully. And while lawyers do so through use of the adversarial process, we must not ever lose sight of the fact that we are not "fighting" for our clients. We are striving to help them reach a peaceful solution to their problem.

Sadly, quite often, lawyers get so hung up in the confrontational manner of depositions, cross-examinations, contract negotiations, and the like, that we develop a "fighting" mentality. This mentality does not serve the best of interest of our clients and nor does it serve our personal or professional interests.

In this sobering webinar, legal ethicist Sean Carter will use real-life examples of lawyers who lost sight of the promises of peace and decided to handle their own personal disputes through less than peaceful means. As you will see, they not only did irreparable damage to their personal relationships, but also, by betraying the ethical standards to which they once swore allegiance, they proved themselves unfit for the professional role of peacemaker and endured significant sanctions from disciplinary authorities.




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