Clarence Darrow: Crimes, Causes, and the Courtroom



  • Presentation Date 11/13/2024
  • Class Time 12:00 PM CT
  • Duration 195 min.
  • Format Webcast
  • Program Code 110190-110168
  • Ethics Credits: 3.00 hr(s)

Price: $169.00



Clarence Darrow: Crimes, Causes, and the Courtroom

A master of the courtroom stage, who possessed an uncanny understanding of human character, Clarence Darrow was arguably the greatest trial lawyer of the twentieth century. He was an adamant opponent of capital punishment and a passionate proponent of civil and human rights. Often called the "Attorney for the Damned," he fought for the underdog and took on criminal cases thought to be hopeless. Yet, while commanding respect as a trial lawyer, Darrow was often embroiled in bitter controversy for his unpopular stands on many issues and criticized for his purported unethical professional behavior.

This spellbinding and realistic character portrait of Darrow portrays his deeply held beliefs and hard-fought courtroom battles. Replete with humor, humanity and intense courtroom drama, the movie engages attendees in four of the great defense lawyer' s most famous cases between 1910 and 1928: Loeb and Leopold, Henry Sweet, the McNamara Brothers bombing of the LA Times Building and the Scopes "Monkey Trial." Using Darrow's own thoughts and courtroom summations, the movie explores timeless social, legal and ethical issues and provides a fresh and engaging tool to facilitate discussion of ethical behavior in and out of the courtroom.

Throughout the webinar, this presentation deals with issues relating to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, including:

        Preamble: A Lawyer's Responsibilities

        Rule 1.2:     Scope of Representation and Allocation of Authority Between Lawyer and Client

        Rule 1.6:     Confidentiality

        Rule 1.7:     Conflict of Interest:  General Rule

        Rule 1.13:   Organizational Clients

        Rule 2.1:     Advisor

        Rule 3.5:     Impartiality and Decorum of the Tribunal

        Rule 5.1:     Responsibilities of a Partner, Managing Lawyer or Supervisory Lawyer

        Rule 5.2:     Responsibilities of a Subordinate Lawyer                 

        Rule 5.3:     Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants

        Rule 8.3:     Reporting Professional Misconduct




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