
2025 Legislative Kickoff

  • Instructor(s):  Legislative Monitoring Committee

2025 Legislative Kickoff   AGENDA   - Welcome from President/Introduction LMC Chair - Legislative Basics - Clay Taylor - 90 Bills in 90 Minutes  Bills Covered: Government | James Rucker - Deptuy General Counsel at Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Estate Law | Terrell Monks - Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC Family Law | Kensey Wright - Doerner, Sanders, Daniel & Anderson Civil Litigation | Teena Gunter - General Counsel at Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Criminal Law | Mark E. Bright - Mark Bright Law Technology | Anthony Hendricks - Crowe & Dunlevy Courts| Judge Thad Balkman - Cleveland County District Court Energy & Environment | Kaylee Davis-Maddy - Doerner, Sanders, Daniel & Anderson Education | Hayley Jones - Associate General Counsel, Oklahoma City Public Schools   - Legislative Panel      Moderators: Brett Robinson & Clay Taylor      Panelists: Rep. Collin Duel                     Rep. Erick Harris       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.

  • On-Demand
  • 180
  • 12/31/25
    Avail. to

Foundations in Energy and Natural Resource Law for the Lawyer with No Foundation

  • Instructor(s):  Energy and Natural Resources Law Section

Foundations in Energy and Natural Resource Law for the Lawyer with No Foundation   ENERGY & NATURAL RESOURCES LAW SECTION of the OKLAHOMA BAR ASSOCIATION         This program will cover selected topics in energy & natural resource law to provide a basic introduction and understanding for the general practitioner and lawyer whose practice is not focused on energy & natural resource law.           AGENDA                           Welcome, Initial Remarks                         By: Elisabeth Brown, Partner at Elias, Books, Brown & Nelson, P.C.;       Chairperson of ENRLS                           Basics of Oil and Gas Ownership and Conveyancing in Oklahoma                         By: David Hampton, Partner at Hampton and Milligan, PLLC Led by Professor Hampton, a distinguished practitioner and professor in energy law, this presentation apprises non-oil and gas lawyers of the intricate realms of energy and natural resource law and covers fundamental energy law subjects, including legal descriptions, sale and purchase of minerals, assignments of interest, and title and curative matters related to mineral and leasehold ownership.                                 Deal or No Deal: Understanding and Negotiating the Oil and Gas Lease and                         Other Agreements                         By: Travis Brown, Partner at Mahaffey & Gore, P.C.                                 Vance Brown, Partner at Elias, Books, Brown & Nelson, P.C. This presentation covers the basics of oil and gas leasing, including the purpose of an oil and gas lease, what interests are covered and what rights are conveyed under the lease, basic terms and essential lease clauses generally included in the oil and gas lease, and key factors to consider when negotiating lease agreements, as well as provide a basic overview of surface damage agreements and division orders.                           Still Waters Run Deep: An Introduction to Oklahoma Water Law By: Kaylee Davis-Maddy, Partner at Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson, LLP This presentation will cover the basics of water ownership in Oklahoma, the purpose and jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and an introduction to permitting and use of water in Oklahoma.                           Demystifying the Corporation Commission – Considerations When Your Client Is Force Pooled                         By: John R. Reeves and Matthew J. Allen, Partners at Fox Rothschild, LLP This presentation covers the basics of what it means if your client receives an application for forced pooling, what actions your client should take during the procedural process at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (“OCC”) for the pooling proceeding, and what your client should do once the pooling order is entered by the OCC.                           Concluding Remarks       Disclaimer:  All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.   

  • On-Demand
  • 214
  • 9/7/25
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