Evolution of Cannabis in Oklahoma
Felina Rivera, Owner/Managing Attorney, Renaissance Legal Solutions, PLLC
In this presentation, attorney Felina Rivera is joined by Oklahoma cannabis attorneys, to provide a comprehensive and current overview of Oklahoma’s medical marijuana industry.
Speaker: Felina Rivera
- Program introduction; introduction of speakers
- Recent Industry News – The HHD’s Recommendation to Remove Marijuana
from Schedule 1 Drug to Schedule 3.
o Previous Attempt at Reclassification: Sisley v. U.S. DEA (9th Circuit)
- Why is it on the Schedule 1 list anyway? A brief history of the regulation of
marijuana and hemp in the United States.
- States are legalizing, so what’s the problem? Overview of current challenges.
Case law and statutes related to marijuana and crime
Speaker: Kindra Dotson
- The right to bear weed and arms: U.S. v. Jared Michael Harrison
(CR-22-00328-PRW; Western District of Oklahoma)
- Marijuana DUIs: A Daily Risk for ALL Medical Marijuana
Patients in Oklahoma
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