Trust and Estate Planning in 2025: Embracing Change and Overcoming Challenges



  • Available Until 1/31/2027
  • Class Time 1:00 PM CT
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format On-Demand
  • Program Code 145979-114219
  • General Credits: 1.00 hr(s)

Price: $85.00

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Trust and Estate Planning in 2025: Embracing Change and Overcoming Challenges

Trust and estate planning in 2024 will require navigating many rocky patches. There are new assets classes. Inflation is rising. We are still dealing with the ongoing effects of the pandemic. There is legislation pending to substantially alter the taxability of estates. Familiar planning platforms and techniques may no longer be efficacious as change unfolds.  Planning requires not only looking at the law as it is today but as it may change – perhaps dramatically – during the year. This program will provide you with a practical guide to planning in the uncertainty of 2022.

  • Tax legislation that will or has changed the taxability of estates
  • Planning with rising inflation – and higher interest rates?
  • Trends in valuation of estates with higher rates
  • Considering how to handle new asset classes
  • Planning for the ongoing effects of the pandemic



Michael Sneeringer a partner in the Naples, Florida office of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, where his practice focuses on trust and estate planning, probate administration, asset protection planning, and tax law. He has served as vice chair of the asset protection planning committee of the ABA’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Section and is an official reporter of the Heckerling Institute.  

Missia H. Vaselaney is a partner in the Cleveland office of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, where her practice focuses on estate planning for individuals and businesses.  She also represents clients before federal and state taxing authorities.  Ms. Vaselaney is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has been a member of the Steering Committee for AICPA’s National Advanced Estate Planning Conference since 2001.  




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