Filmed on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
A Total of Six (6) Hours of CLE with Two (2) Hours of Ethics Offered
- Virginia Henson
o What’s Wrong with the Practice and How Do We Fix It? (Ethics)
- Monica Dionisio, Christopher Brecht, and Brian Swenson
o A Panel Discussion on the Cost of Family Law Litigation
- Christian Barnard
o Attorney Fees with Some Discussion on Requests for Suit Monies
- Linda Van Valkenburg
o Children’s Stressors and Coping Mechanisms
o Talking to Children and Separation/Divorce (Ethics)
o Children’s Preference and Visitation Schedules
Disclaimer: All views or opinions expressed by any presenter during the course of this CLE is that of the presenter alone and not an opinion of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the employers, or affiliates of the presenters unless specifically stated. Additionally, any materials, including the legal research, are the product of the individual contributor, not the Oklahoma Bar Association. The Oklahoma Bar Association makes no warranty, express or implied, relating to the accuracy or content of these materials.